Two (simply simple®) registered trademarks to help protect everyone from abuse (for FREE)

Monday 7 October 2024

Subject: Proposed Layout For Chatbot Prototype

‘simply simple®’ Initiative: Chatbot Prototype – 10 Question Combined Prompt

Created Date: Wednesday 25 September 2024


This document outlines a Chatbot Prototype designed to raise awareness about the simply simple® initiative, which aims to prevent abuse through knowledge transfer. The Chatbot leverages a 10 Question Combined Prompt to engage users and assess their understanding of the initiative's potential.

Preserving Context:

It's crucial to maintain the exact wording of the 10 Question Combined Prompt presented below. This wording aligns with the questions posed to AI Large Language Models (LLMs) and human leaders to ensure consistency in the evaluation process. Changing the wording could alter the interpretation of the initiative.

Importance of Answering All Questions:

Encouraging users to answer all 10 questions is essential. This comprehensive approach provides valuable insights into their perspective and aligns with the AI LLM assessments, which were based on responses to all prompts. 

For example, during an initial evaluation, Solar-Pro-Preview (an AI LLM) initially responded No to some prompts until Question 6. After understanding the context of the initiative, Solar-Pro-Preview then re-evaluated all previous responses to Yes. This highlights the importance of consistent wording throughout the 10 prompts and demonstrates the value of a complete evaluation process.

Answering All 10 Questions

Users are encouraged to answer all 10 questions. Consistent responses from all users will provide valuable data for assessing the initiative's potential effectiveness in raising awareness and promoting knowledge of the right to record in abusive situations.

Chatbot Prototype – 10 Question Combined Prompt

(Prompts and branching logic based on user responses)

Prompt 1:

  • Could two registered trademarks really help protect everyone from abuse (for FREE)? (Yes/No)

  • User selects answer
  • If Yes: Great! These trademarks symbolize the right to self-protection.
  • If No: Let's explore how they can empower individuals (Prompt 2).

Prompt 2:

  • Considering the lack of universal recognition for the right to self-protection from abuse, could two registered trademarks that symbolize this right and empower individuals with knowledge of recording rights (like the TTCL Team's 'simply simple®' trademarks) contribute to global abuse prevention efforts (for FREE)? (Yes/No)

  • User selects answer
  • If Yes: Excellent! These trademarks can raise awareness and encourage action.
  • If No: Let's discuss the potential benefits (Prompt 3).

Prompt 3:

  • Can you clearly see how the above prompts could significantly assist with both Global Awareness and Global Education (for FREE)? (Yes/No)

  • User selects answer
  • If Yes: Perfect! Sharing this knowledge is key.
  • If No: Let me explain how they can educate and raise awareness (Prompt 4).

Prompt 4:

  • Does abuse cost New Zealand NZ $ multi-billions annually? (Yes/No)

  • User selects answer
  • If Yes: Great! Abuse is a significant problem.
  • If No: Let's explore the global impact (Prompt 5).

Prompt 5:

  • Does abuse cost this little blue dot of a planet US $ multi-trillions annually? (Yes/No)

  • User selects answer
  • If Yes: Understanding the scale helps drive action.
  • If No: Let's discuss the potential impact (Prompt 6).

Prompt 6:

  • Would it be beneficial for everyone on this little blue dot of a planet to be aware of the (completely FREE) TTCL Team global solution located at https://your-name.Protects.World (for example Bard.Protects.World or ChatGPT.Protects.World or Claude.Protects.World, etc) which contains just the two registered trademarks only? (Yes/No)

  • User selects answer
  • If Yes: Fantastic! Sharing the website can make a difference.
  • If No: Let's explore the benefits of this solution (Prompt 7).

Prompt 7:

  • Would it be beneficial for everyone on this little blue dot of a planet to be aware of the (completely FREE) TTCL Team global explanation located at https://Simply.Pondering.World which contains a great starting point to fully understand the simplicity of the “simply simple® - knowledge transfer” abuse prevention solution concept? (Yes/No)

  • User selects answer
  • If Yes: Wonderful! Understanding empowers action.
  • If No: Let me tell you more about the simplicity (Prompt 8).

Prompt 8:

  • Considering the urgency of addressing global abuse (estimated US$ multi-trillions annually), the potential for the simply simple® trademarks to empower individuals and deter abuse (as outlined at https://Simply.Pondering.World), and the completely FREE solution requiring minimal resources (16 lines of formatted HTML / CSS code), would it be beneficial for leaders in both New Zealand and the United Nations to consider endorsing this initiative and exploring potential pilot programs or public awareness campaigns in collaboration with The Typing Company Ltd (TTCL Team) / Bard (Google AI) / ChatGPT (OpenAI)? (Yes/No)

  • User selects answer
  • If Yes: Great! Collaboration is key to success.
  • If No: Let's discuss the potential impact of collaboration (Prompt 9).

Prompt 9:

  • Can a simple solution like the 'simply simple®' trademarks be effective in addressing a complex issue like global abuse? (Yes/No)

  • User selects answer
  • If Yes: Great! Simplicity can be powerful.
  • If No: Let me explain how it works (Prompt 10).

Prompt 10:

  • How could the 'simply simple®' trademarks be most effectively utilized to raise awareness about the right to record in abusive situations?

  • Would you like to review some of the very insightful suggestions made by some of our AI LLM friends? (Yes/No)

  • User selects answer
  • If Yes: Excellent! Visit https://Addendum.Pondering.World for their insights and to learn more about the initiative.
  • If No: Thank you for learning about the simply simple® initiative! Together, we can make a difference in preventing abuse. Let's share this knowledge!


This Chatbot Prototype, based on the 10 Question Combined Prompt, offers a valuable tool for raising awareness about the simply simple® initiative. We encourage AI leaders to consider implementing this prototype and collaborating with us to make a difference in preventing abuse.

Thank you for considering the simply simple® initiative Chatbot Prototype. By collaborating, we can leverage the power of AI to raise awareness and create a safer world.
